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Easy No-Bake Fresh Peach Pie

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An Amazing Peaches and Cream Pie made with fresh summer sweet juicy peaches in a yummy and easy peach glaze, piled high in your favorite pie crust. Topped with light fluffy whipped cream this dessert is sure to please any peach lover.

Fresh Peach Pie with a slice on a white plate with slices of fresh peaches as a garnish.

Time for another edition of “True Confessions”!

I’m not a huge “baked” Peach Pie fan. It’s a texture thing. I just can’t eat mushy peaches, and baked peaches tend to be a little “soft” for my liking. Yep…even cobblers! It’s just not my “thang”!

Now Fresh Peaches piled high in a flaky crust with a scrumptious peach glaze, similar to my Fresh Strawberry Pie, makes me weak in the knees. It’s so good!

Tender, fresh, sweet, juicy peaches come only once a year! (Did I use enough adjectives in that sentence? Lol Just want to make sure I’m expressing my love of peaches adequately!) They make the BEST fresh no-bake pie!

There is nothing better on a late summer evening than a slice of Cold Peach Pie, piled high with whipped cream. Sitting on the front porch in your favorite chair. It’s like a bowl of fresh peaches…only better!

Ingredients to gather

  • 1- 9 inch Baked Single Pie Crust. You can use my recipe for a single pie crust or purchase a store bought pie crust. (She says as she grabs her chest gasping for breath! Lol Y’all know how I feel about pie crust!)
  • 8 Large Fresh Peaches, peeled and diced. We will talk about peach varieties below. Just know that Freestone, Semi-Freestone, and Clingstone are terms used to describe if the pit, or “stone” will release from the fruit easily or cling. Freestone is best for ease…but any of the three will work.
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons Cornstarch
  • 1 (3 oz) package of Peach Jell-O
  • 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 Tablespoons Powder Sugar

How To Make Fresh Fruit Glaze

Let’s start with the glaze for the peach filling. It takes time to cool to room temperature, so it’s best to do it first. While it is cooling… you can peel, slice and dice the fresh peaches.

The glaze for the fresh peaches is one of the most important aspects of this pie. It helps prevent the air from reaching the peaches, turning them an icky brown. It also holds the peaches together, so you can get a beautiful slice of pie.

I love this easy glaze recipe. Follow these simple step-by-step instructions, and you’ll have a stunning and delicious peach glaze. It won’t be too much. It will be the perfect peach to glaze ratio!

In a medium-sized sauce pan, over medium heat, add water, sugar, and cornstarch. Mix with a wire whisk.

Sugar, water, and cornstarch in a medium pan over medium heat.

Continue whisking until the mixture thickens. The mixture will pull from the sides and will be a clear white gel.

Remove the mixture from heat.

Glaze mixture thickening on the stove.

Add one small package of peach gelatin to the clear mixture. Stir until well blended.

Adding gelatin to thickened gel mixture in sauce pan.

Once the mixture is completely combined, remove it from the stove, and cool to room temperature.

Isn’t that a stunning glaze?!! So easy-peasy, right!

Peach glaze mixture in a pan with whisk cooling to add with peaches.

All about Peaches!

Let me start off by saying there isn’t one peach better than another for this pie! They may not all be created equal, but they are all yummy if you follow a few simple rules.

When making a “Fresh” peach pie, where the peaches are not being cooked, it’s a good rule to try to use peaches that are tree ripened. Why?

While you can purchase under ripe fruit and wait for them to soften and grow juicier, they will not increase in sugar. A tree ripened peach will have developed all of its natural sugars. YUM!!!

When shopping for peaches, I’ll state the obvious… avoid those with spots, bruises, and shriveled skins. (If I were a peach I wouldn’t be allowed in this pie! Sniff, sniff!)

Keep in mind that unless they are green, the color of the skin reflects variety, not ripeness.

A ripe peach will have a slight sweet scent. It will give slightly when gently pressed in your palm or pushed with your thumb.

Preparing Peaches for the Pie Filling

While that filling is cooling…

Wash, dry, and peel 8 large fresh ripe peaches, or 10 medium to smallish peaches. Yep! Juice is going to run down your arms and all over the table! Isn’t life great?

TIP: You can easily peel peaches by blanching them. However, I really don’t like doing that with a fresh peach pie. Even though it’s a quick dunk into boiling water and the skins do slip-off like a breeze, it also slightly cooks those peaches!

For this Cold Peach Pie, I slice the peaches into 1/2 inch thick slices and then cut them in half. I prefer to have the peaches in nice chunk sizes rather than large slices. It fills the crust better.

You can place the peeled, sliced peaches in a water bath with lemon water to keep them from turning. I work quickly and find it isn’t necessary with this pie. (If you’re going to walk away for any amount of time…then you need to water bathe them with lemon juice!)

Combing all the elements

Gather all your elements for this peach Pie. Your cooled peach glaze. Baked Pie Shell. Bowl of fresh sliced and diced peaches.

I also recommend having a large baking sheet nearby to place the pie on in case that glaze runs over a tad. (Sounds like I’ve had experience with this? Yep!)

Pie Crust, Glaze, and Peaches on the counter ready to combine to create Fresh Peach Pie.l

Stir the glaze well before adding the peaches.

Pour the cooled peach glaze on the top of the peaches. Gently stir to evenly coat all the peaches. Coating them will prevent them from turning brown and seal the juices into the fruit.

TIP: Glaze does not need to be completely cool, but it should be cool to the touch!

You want a spoon right about now… don’t ya?!! That’s a lot of incredible flavor going on in that bowl!

Bowl full of freshly peeled and sliced peaches with glaze over all of them ready for the pie shell.

Pour peaches with glaze into your prepared pie crust. Using a rubber spatula, gently push fruit around to the inside edges of the pie crust.

If you have any extra glaze in the pan, scrape it out and slowly pour into any holes. Do a little at a time to be sure it doesn’t run over the edge of the pie shell. Don’t be a “Norine”!

Yep! My filling ran over! I got greedy with that glaze and wanted every last drop. What can I say?

Peach Pie filling in pie crust ready to chill.

If you need to wipe the edges. Place the pie on a baking sheet, then into the refrigerator and chill until set. About 4 hours or overnight. Please note this filling will set rather quickly, but to be sure it completely sets, I recommend waiting about 4 hours.

Preparing Whipped Cream for Pie

When ready to serve, prepare your whipped cream by placing 1 cup heavy whipping cream in the bowl of your mixer. With the Wire Whisk attachment, whip on high for 5–6 minutes until stiff peaks form.

Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 3 tablespoons of confectioner’s sugar. Beat an additional minute until well incorporated.

Place a large dollop in the center of the pie and spread with the back of a tablespoon to create swirls. Top with fresh peach slices and a sprig of mint for decoration.

TIP: If your pie filling runs over…pipe whipped the topping around the edge! Voilà, you now have the perfect fresh peach pie.

Fresh Whole Peach Pie with Whipped Cream and sliced peach garnish.

This pie slices beautifully, so don’t be afraid to cut into her! I promise this glaze is going to hold together like a southern woman’s girdle and keep those slippery juicy peaches in place!

Slice of Fresh Peach Pie on a white plate with slices of peaches for garnish.

Other Favorite Peach Dessert Recipes

Hope you have time to squeeze in one of these Peach Pies before the summer is over! I know your family will love it as much as my peach lovers do here at this Nest! Enjoy!

Happy Nesting!

Signature with Photo of Norine.
Yield: 10 slices

Easy No-Bake Fresh Peach Pie

Fresh Peach Pie with a slice on a white plate with slices of fresh peaches as a garnish.

An Amazing Peaches and Cream Pie made with fresh summer sweet juicy peaches in a yummy and easy peach glaze, piled high in your favorite pie crust. Topped with light fluffy whipped cream this dessert is sure to please any peach lover.

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 1 - 9 inch baked single pie crust
  • 8 large fresh peaches, washed, sliced, and diced
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 Tablespoon Cornstarch
  • 1 (3 oz) package peach jell-o
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 Tablespoons confectioners sugar (powder sugar)


  1. In a medium sauce pan, over medium heat, add water, sugar, and cornstarch. Mix until well combined. Continue to stir with a wire whisk until mixture thickens. Remove from heat. Add peach jell-o. Stir until completely combined. Set aside to cool while preparing peaches.
  2. Wash, dry, peel and slice peaches about 1/2 inch thick. Remove pits. Cut peach slices in half. Place in a bowl. Repeat until all peaches have been prepared.
  3. Add, cool to the touch, peach glaze. Gently stir until all the sliced peaches are coated. Pour into prepared pie crust. Spread evenly with rubber spatula. Place on baking sheet to catch any over-spill. Chill for 4 hours or overnight.
  4. Prepare whipping cream right before serving. Add heavy cream to bowl of mixer. Using the Wire Whisk attachment, beat on high for 5-6 minutes until stiff peaks form. Add vanilla extract and powder sugar. Beat an additional minute. Serve with whipped cream and a garnish of mint and a fresh slice of peach. Enjoy!

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 264Total Fat: 11gSaturated Fat: 6gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 22mgSodium: 66mgCarbohydrates: 41gFiber: 2gSugar: 31gProtein: 3g

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Kris Marie

Saturday 10th of August 2024

Finally made this, and it was absolutely delicious! Also made the whipped cream! A huge thank you for the awesome instructions.

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